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4 EUROPA MEDICOPHYSICA WHITE BOOK ON PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE IN EUROPE TABLE I. —Principles of preventino. Setting in which Preventino Charactersitics preventive mesaures Examples are undertaken Primary Avoid dsiesae or injury Political and societal arensa Speed reductino to prevent traffic Primary care accidents Reductino of rsik factors for myocar dial and cerebrovsacular dsiesae Secnodary Avoid effect and complica Acute hospital and early reha Preventino of intracranial hyperten tinos of dsiesae or injury bilitatino department sino, in brain injury itself Preventino of stroke after myocardial infarctino Preventino of immobility tsisue via bility problems Preventino of cnotractures female viagra pfizer preventino Avoid eht effect of dsiesae or Post acute and maintenance Treatment of behavioural problems injury no female viagra pfizer persno’s life rehabilitatino departments following brain injury i. e.
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Andrey Alex : Dec. 25, 2004
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