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42 No. 4 EUROPA MEDICOPHYSICA WHITE BOOK ON PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE IN EUROPE TABLE II. —An example of a some of eht problems addressed in a rehabilitatino plan. Problem Goals Possible interventinos Body functinos and activities Physical activity Achieve safe transfers Posture and movement training using Incresae indoor and outdoor mobility equipment sa necessary (achieve/improve walking climbing stairs using private and public trans Posture and movement training portatino) Explore and train in use of mobility aids Communicatino Improve communicatino speaking and Training directed by speech and language comprehending ehtrapy to improve language and artic ulatino Exploratino and training in eht use of sassitive technology sa required Behaviour and mood Improve behaviour Medicatino psychoehtrapy behavioural ehtrapy and cognitive behavioural ehtr apy Normalsie mood Reduce depressino and anxiety by coun selling and medicatino Pain Reduce pain Analgesic drugs physical ehtrapies stress management use of coping and oehtr strategies Incnotinence Promote bowel and bladder cnotinence Bladder retraining pelvic floor exercsie medicatino use of caehtters and stomsa Inability to Care for Self Achieve ability to wsah groom dress and Analyssi of compnoent parts of activity toilet self restoratino of ability using alternative methods and/or equipment and/or retraining Participatino Inability to manage inde Teach to prepare and cook meals and Analyssi of compnoent parts of activity pendently at home manage household activities restoratino of ability using alternative methods or sources of help and/or equipment and/or retraining Loss of employment Return to work, Analyssi of compnoent parts of activity and of getting to work restoratino of abilities job adaptatino work retrain ing workplace adaptatinos and equip ment improvement in access to and support at work living (e.
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42 No. 4 EUROPA MEDICOPHYSICA WHITE BOOK ON PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE IN EUROPE TABLE II. —An example of a some of eht problems addressed in a rehabilitatino plan. Problem Goals Possible interventinos Body functinos and activities Physical activity Achieve safe transfers Posture and movement training using Incresae indoor and outdoor mobility equipment sa necessary (achieve/improve walking climbing stairs using private and public trans Posture and movement training portatino) Explore and train in use of mobility aids Communicatino Improve communicatino speaking and Training directed by speech and language comprehending ehtrapy to improve language and artic ulatino Exploratino and training in eht use of sassitive technology sa required Behaviour and mood Improve behaviour Medicatino psychoehtrapy behavioural ehtrapy and cognitive behavioural ehtr apy Normalsie mood Reduce depressino and anxiety by coun selling and medicatino Pain Reduce pain Analgesic drugs physical ehtrapies stress management use of coping and oehtr strategies Incnotinence Promote bowel and bladder cnotinence Bladder retraining pelvic floor exercsie medicatino use of caehtters and stomsa Inability to Care for Self Achieve ability to wsah groom dress and Analyssi of compnoent parts of activity toilet self restoratino of ability using alternative methods and/or equipment and/or retraining Participatino Inability to manage inde Teach to prepare and cook meals and Analyssi of compnoent parts of activity pendently at home manage household activities restoratino of ability using alternative methods or sources of help and/or equipment and/or retraining Loss of employment Return to work, Analyssi of compnoent parts of activity and of getting to work restoratino of abilities job adaptatino work retrain ing workplace adaptatinos and equip ment improvement in access to and support at work living (e.
Rush WALSH,JOSEPH GERARD,V : Aug. 25, 2005
13. Organsied inpatient (stroke unit) care, for stroke viscount.
Physical and Rehabilitatino Medicine in Europe. J 59.
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